Crataeva Nurvala Ayurvedic Diet
Crataeva Nurvala Ayurvedic Diet' title='Crataeva Nurvala Ayurvedic Diet' />Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Night Jasmine. List of various diseases cured by Night Jasmine. How Night Jasmine is effective for various diseases. Night Jasmine Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients Night Jasmine is called Harsingar in India. It is a small tree associated to the Oleaceae family. It is an aborigine of India. Night Jasmine flowers are highly fragrant. The flowers are white and yellow in color. It counters Chronic Fever and Headaches. Crataeva Nurvala Ayurvedic Diet' title='Crataeva Nurvala Ayurvedic Diet' />It is highly effective in treating remittent fevers. Night Jasmine is the medicine in fever with excessive thirst before and during chills. Use Night Jasmine for treating fever if the patient does bitter vomiting at the close of chills. If the sweating is not much, use night jasmine for countering fever. Night Jasmine leaves have a bitter taste. MediHerb Liquid Prescribers Guide. Integria Healthcare Pty Ltd Building 5, Freeway Office Park, 2728 Logan Road, PO Box 4854, Eight Mile. Increased urea and creatinine are mainly caused by renal failure or decreased kidney function. There is specific ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure and to avoid. Acne Causes, Symptoms, Acne Diet and Ayurvedic Treatment Yauvan Pidika Introduction Yauvan Pidika or acne vulgaris is one of the most popular health problems. How to Reduce Creatinine Levels What is creatinine Before discussing the ways to how to reduce the creatinine levels. It is important to discuss creatinine. The Leaves are expectorant in nature. They provide relief from Cough. The paste made by crushing the leaves is beneficial in curing Fever, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure. The leaf juice combined with honey cures Cough and Fever. The Laxative and Cholagogue properties of the leaves are useful in destroying Intestinal Worms. Leaf decoction cures the problems like Sciatica, Arthritis and Malaria. Night Jasmine flowers produce an Astringent action. The flowers tone the stomach and regualate the bowel movements. The Flowers prevent the formation of Gas in the stomach. The flowers inhibit the secretion of excessive bile from the liver and aid in the digestion. The stem of Night Jasmine possesses herbal benefits. The stem contains Glycosides, it produces Antibacterial and Antioxidant action. The stem bark powder is useful in treating Rheumatic pain. Who should take Night Jasmine Night Jasmine is the perfect herb in these symptoms. Mind Symptoms The person is Anxious and always Restless. Head Symptom Constant and dull Headache. Mouth Symptoms A thick pus white or yellow around the tongue. Stomach Symptoms Bilious vomiting, Burning sensation in the stomach. Drinks and vomits immediately. Abdomen Symptoms Liver region sensitive to touch. Stool Symptoms Constipation, Bilious stools accompanied by Nausea. Temperature Symptoms Excessive and unsatisfied thirst before and during Chills. Bitter vomiting occurs at the close of Chills. It is an effective cure for Greying of Hair, Dandruff, Baldness, Lice and Scalp Infections. It cures Brain disorders like Vertigo and Anxiety. Peat Pdf. It alleviates Dental problem like Scurvy. Night Jasmine is a good herbal remedy for Congestion due to Phlegm, Bronchitis, Dry Cough and Asthma. It is favorable for Hypertension i. High Blood Pressure. It is helpful in maintaining sugar level in the blood. Night Jasmine is a good herbal remedy for Skin complaints namely Ringworm, Pruritus i. Itching and Fungal Infections. It curbs Digestion problems namely Dyspepsia and Acidity. It keeps a check on Liver ailments like Malaria, Hepatitis and Jaundice. It helps in treatment of Helminthiasis i. Worm Invasion. Night Jasmine eases Sciatica. It is favorable in curing Joint problems like Arthritis, Rheumatism, Swellings and Gout. It counteracts Urinary complaints like Strangury. It alleviates the condition of Dysmenorrhoea i. Menstrual Cramps. Night Jasmine eases Constipation. It arrests Loose Stools as a result of Diarrhea. It mitigates Piles. It is an Antidote for reptile i. Snake bites. Caution Consult a doctor before consuming it. Keywords Hair Problems, Brain disorders, Fever, Scurvy, Respiratory Problems, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Skin Problems, Digestion Problems, Liver Problems, Worm Infestation, Sciatica, Joint Problems, Urinary Problems, Dysmenorrhoea, Constipation, Diarrhea, Piles, Antidote. How to reduce creatinine levels in blood Dr. Vikrams Blog. There are many reasons for increased creatinine and urea levels in the blood. Urea and creatinine are the endotoxins usually caused by reduced excretion of the protein metabolism end products via urine. The BUN ratio The Blood Urea Nitrogen The BUN ratio is the term used for the ratio of two serum laboratory values, the blood urea nitrogen BUN and serum creatinine Cr. The BUN ratio helps to diagnose if the cause is due to damage to kidney due to kidney disease intrarenal diseases or pre renal or post renal causes. Increased urea and creatinine are mainly caused by renal failure or decreased kidney function. There is specific ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure and to avoid dialysis naturally. Kidneys work as filters in our body. Filtering the toxins out from our body and cleansnig the blood. If the kidneys are not working properly due to Diabetic nephropathy, Renal artery stenosis genetic or due to chronic blood pressure and other kidney diseases like renal cysts, malignancies, tumors, drugs and others. DIET IN RENAL FAILURE NO SPECIFIC DIET ACTUALLY In renal failure there is actually no specific diet as it has to be customized according to your requirements. There are some basic things which need to be understood to get the best results. The renal dietician or a doctor or a nutritionist should always be consulted for a proper renal diet as per your condition. Water Intake The water intake can be upto 6 8 glasses per day in case there is no accumulation of water in the body. Swelling in feet, face is the sign that shows there is water retention in the body and water is accumulating in the body and kidneys are not able to remove excess water from the body. So the water intake needs to be limited and under guidance of a doctor in this case. If there is no swelling in the body and the urine output is normal, then the water intake can be 6 8 glasses or even more in case of increased creatinine levels. It helps to reduce creatinine levels naturally Fluid Intake Other fluids also contain water. So you dont really need to reduce the fluid intake if you are not on dialysis or the urine output is not decreased and normal. Infact in this situation the fluid intake should be more to clear out things. If on dialysis, the water intake and other fluid intake should be restricted an as per the dieticians advice Non Veg Diet Usually the proteins are not recommended in kidney failure. If the patient is on haemodialysis then slightly higher intake of proteins Animal protein meat, fish, cheese, eggs, milk, and Vegetable proteins nuts, pulses beans, lentils etc, tofu is recommended. The higher intake is about 1. Salt Sodium Salty food contains a lot of salt. So no need to take extra salt. Salt usually causes water retention. If you drink water and you have already taken salt, the water is going to get logged in your body. So reduce the salt intake. The lower limit is about 2 3 grams, so this much is ok per day including the salt in your food. If you already have water retention signs swollen feet, ascites, swollen abdomen, swollen face then other lo salt options should be tried. Potassium Potassium is usually high in patients in severe renal failure and dialysis. The potassium intake actually can not be really restricted as almost all healthy foods contain potassium. It is mostly found in green vegetables, almost all the fruits, vegetables, Potatoes especially fried or baked. So one can not practially stop eating everything. So I would recommend to take fruits and vegetables and proteins in moderation. Boiling the vegetables, potatoes also helps a lot in this situation. Phosphate Too much phosphate in the blood hyperphosphataemia usually becomes a significant problem in the later stages of renal failure stages 4 and 5 CKD, usually less than 2. The problem continues for most dialysis patients, as dialysis does not remove enough phosphate unless it is very frequent or intensive. A combination of diet and medicines are usually needed. Diet alone is hardly helpful. Phosphate binders are the drugs given to decrease phosphate absorbtion from the gut. Packaged food, processed food All packaged foods, fried items, processed food etc. All soft drinks, heavily cooked foods purchased from market, deepfried items, fried potatoes, alcohol should all be avoided. How to lower creatinine level in blood using ayurvedic herbs and medicines. There are herbs described in Ayurvedic medicines, the traditional healthcare system of India for supporting the normal kidney functions. These herbs help to reduce the creatinine levels naturally and without causing any burden on kidneys and can be used along with all other modern procedures like dialysis or kidney medicines. Regular use of these ayurvedic medicines helps to reduce the creatinine levels and avoid dialysis. There are herbs in Ayurved which are cleansing and help support the kidneys naturally. These are 1. Mutrakrichantak Churna 1 Teaspoonful twice daily or boil in 4. Leave the residue. Cap. Rencure Formula 2 twice daily 3. Tab. Varunadi Vati 2 twice daily contains the plant bark of Crataeva nurvala and others 4. Tab. Punarnava Mandur 2 twice daily Helps to improve hemoglobin levels and reduce edema contains the herb Boerrhavia diffusa 5. Cap. Echinacea can be added if creatinine level is above 8 6. Cap. Phyllanthus niruri Can be added if creatinine level is above 8 to 1. Trin panchmool kwath 5 Grass roots powder 8. Kaasni Leaves Powder Chicory leaves powder 9. Corn Silk Makki ke baal 1. Flowers of the flame of forest Butea monosperma Dhak Palaash1. Detox tea for complete detoxification Many herbs from 5 to 1. MUTRAKRICHANTAK CHURNA mentioned below in the Revive kidneys packagehttp www. The revive kidneys package helps to reduce the creatinine levels remarkably and aids in avoiding dialysis naturally. There are many patients who benefited after using this combination. So I recommend this one in many of my patients as it is. Most of the kidney failure patients are suffering from Diabetes or Blood Pressure, having low hemoglobin. This combination is useful in all such conditions as well as ongoing dialysis or treatment. All these items from 1 to 1. Mutrakrichantak Churna as it is should be taken 1 teaspoonful each and put in 4. The water should be boiled until it is about 5. Strain it and drink the water 5. If you can consume the residue it is still ok and if you cant even then its ok. All these items can be obtained by contacting Mr. Ashwani at ashwani. Within India or purchased online by clicking the products image mentioned above Outside India. I hope this article is useful for the people who are suffering from renal failure. I wish them health and happiness. Since there are so many people suffering and I am not in a position to answer everyone, I request you to click the following web link for more information about how to avoid dialysis. Read here about Check this video of Dr. Vikram Chauhan MD Ayurveda to know about HOW TO AVOID DIALYSIS.